an open heart dies sooner than an open one

1 min readDec 5, 2023

For the past few days I am having one of the most beautiful reflections I have ever had, and that is that I am very vulnerable. I am and I want to be. I don’t want to care about anything but my vulnerability. I am vulnerable, and I take a risk every day I am here.

I don’t know any other way to face the world than to open myself wide, to everything that comes in life. To be emotional and not be ashamed of it. To take off layers. To say I love you without waiting for an answer, to help just because I can, to love just because I can. To show myself sincere: hurt, dramatic, attractive. To expose myself.

Show myself to the world, not being afraid to say that you are afraid of everything. Everyone is afraid of everything. We are all the same.

And that I’m wrong. And that sometimes I don’t want anything. Admit that I’m in a moment of change where I’m not excited about almost anything I used to be excited about. I’m scared of this uncertainty. That change hurts, even though I love doing it. Many of the things I live with every day hurt.

Writing for me is taking off layers. It’s being present, and December 5th has already passed.

